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free agile software development courses

Agile software development

Learn agile software development with the following free courses and tutorials. Chosen and upvoted by our community. Do you know other free Agile courses that should be listed here? Add them to Coursearena and help others who search for it.

Free Agile courses and tutorials

Agile Leadership Principles
Accelerate and improve team decisions by learning Agile’s facilitating leadership principles to unleash team productivity, motivation, and problem solving.

Getting Started with Agile and Design Thinking
Get an introduction to agile product development and design thinking so you can build better digital products.

Agile Software Development
Learn fundamental agile concepts to enhance your software development skills.

Driving Speed through Agile Planning
Learn how to drive speed into any project by selecting and limiting work-in-progress through agile planning and task management.

Agile Solutions for Greater Innovation
Learn how to deliver greater value through Agile solution targeting and theory of constraints that unleash your team's innovative potential.

Agile for Project Control
Learn Agile controls that get work done with confidence by using true transparency (actuals not estimates) and continuous improvement to ensure your people, process, and products deliver valuable, working solutions.

Defensive Programming and Debugging
Find out how to write clean and robust code. Explore techniques to minimise the number of bugs during development.

Agile Tips & Tricks from our community

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