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Frequently asked questions

What is Coursearena?
Coursearena is a free platform where the online courses and tutorials about various topics can be collected, reviewed and discussed.
Who can submit courses to Coursearena?
Anybody who signs up for a free account can contribute to Coursearena. However for quality assurance we review every new course submission before it is published on Coursearena.
Can I submit a courses that I am the author of?
Absolutely. If you are the author of a good course, we are happy to see it on Coursearena. You will be labeled as "Author" for this particular course, which can encourage other users to ask question about your course.
I want to create a course but the topic does not seem to exist.
No problem. When you can't find the right topic in the course submission form just click on "Create a new topic" and enter the new topic into the form field. When we review you submission, we will create the topic for you.
Are courses added to the website immendiately after submission?
No, for quality assurance and spam protection purposes we are reviewing every submission before we make it publicly available.
How long does the approval process usually take?
It typically takes less than 1 day. Often significantly less.